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Re: Northeast Borg sector

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2015 6:37 am
by FedoraDave
Well, it seems a little more than an inch fell overnight. But the Governor declared a travel ban on the 13 counties in the southeast section of the state, and that means me. So I get a snow day today.

Re: Northeast Borg sector

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2015 8:24 am
by RickBeer
Travel ban has been lifted in NJ.

Re: Northeast Borg sector

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2015 8:34 am
by John Sand
Well, we weren't so lucky. There's more than a foot of snow outside. It's hard to judge just how much because it's drifting. The tv shows 25" 20 miles east of us, and 16-18" 20 miles west of us. Either way, it's a lot. And they are still forecasting totals of 20-30" here. Not "The Storm of the Century" by any means. Weathermen do love drama. We still have light and power, therefore heat, (Yay!)

Re: Northeast Borg sector

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2015 9:31 am
by Fishybrewer
Central Mass checking in. As of 8:30 AM Worcester had 25 inches and its still gonna snow all day. Gonna be a tough one to dig out of. Still have power though. Be safe

Re: Northeast Borg sector

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2015 10:40 am
by Crazy Climber
Western Mass - Tuesday morning 10:30 - I'd say we've got about 8 inches so far. Still coming down, and VERY windy. They've downgraded our predicted total - we were originally predicted for 18" but now it's more like 12-14" before it's all over.
Very light fluffy snow, so that helps with the cleanup, and keeping the power on (knock on wood).

Overall, a bad storm but it seems like the media might have over-stated the "storm of historic proportions" stuff -- what a shock, huh?
Glad to hear that everyone is okay so far.

Re: Northeast Borg sector

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2015 10:42 am
by Beer-lord
Not that I'm not glad it's appearing to be less than anticipated but they always blow things out of proportion. They love that 24 hour news cycle that chock full of commercials to make them $$$$.

Re: Northeast Borg sector

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2015 2:32 pm
by FedoraDave
Well, it turns out I had to work today anyway. The travel ban was lifted around 7:45 or so, and I went out and managed to get my work done, most of it. Couldn't negotiate two driveways, and one of my commercial stops was deserted. They must have made the decision yesterday not to come in today. And it was a fairly light work load anyway, so I was home by around 1:30 or earlier.

Re: Northeast Borg sector

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2015 3:55 pm
by John Sand
And I justified not joining a gym this month by doing three "workouts" shoveling. A nice thing happened: While shoveling, the town plow came by. I'm thinking "Just don't plow the end of my driveway back in, right after I dug it out." But he came by and trimmed the edges where I was working without blocking me back in. I offered him coffee, or a bathroom break, but he declined.

Re: Northeast Borg sector

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2015 10:27 pm
by Chuck N
Beer-lord wrote:Not that I'm not glad it's appearing to be less than anticipated but they always blow things out of proportion. They love that 24 hour news cycle that chock full of commercials to make them $$$$.
Up here in Minne"snow"ta we call them "Weather Terrorists" Now-a-days when it looks like more than two or three inches of snow are on the way you start hearing them use words "Snowmagedan" or "Snowapocolipse".

Re: Northeast Borg sector

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2015 5:51 am
by FedoraDave
When my sister first graduated college, she got a job at Lamont-Doherty geological labs. She got to know some of the guys in the meteorology department, and one of them told her that here in the Metro NYC area, it's really easy to forecast the weather in the winter, because a storm front moves through every four days or so. If it hits us, it's an accurate forecast, and if it goes to the north or south, they can point to it and say, "Hey, we got lucky on that one!" But they're technically not wrong, because a storm came through, as forecast.

Still, it's better to be prepared for the worst.

Long Island and some parts of Connecticut did get hit pretty hard. In my quadrant, not so much.