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Re: Introducing....

Posted: Thu Sep 26, 2013 11:03 am
by DaYooper
Welcome aBorg!

Re: Introducing....

Posted: Thu Sep 26, 2013 11:04 am
by RickBeer
Ibasterd wrote:Howdy

How do you like the brew demon? I'm using a Mr. Beer kit but am intrigued by the conical design of the brew demon. My only concern is that it seems that it would take up more space, and for me space is at a premium.

Yes, the BD takes more vertical space than the Mr. Beer LBK. The majority of the forum members don't have BD kits, although some have recently purchased them since joining the forum.

The owner of my LHBS pointed out that you can brew beer in anything, and that's almost true. A simple bucket with an airlock or an overflow tube for example. You can read about why BD designed their LBC the way they did on their site (although I'm sure they have to deviate quite a bit from the LBK design due to patents). I don't know anyone that has brewed the same batch, side by side, and found that there was any difference in the end product between the LBK and the LBC.

I have two LBKs (and a full kit for sale) and I don't have any plans to buy an LBC. If anything, I'd likely move to a 5 gallon kit at some point in the future - need to use up my Mr. Beer refills that I bought last year first. I do find the 2.5 gallon size (full LBK) nice for splitting a 5 gallon batch.

Re: Introducing....

Posted: Thu Sep 26, 2013 3:47 pm
by FrozenInTime
Welcome to da forum!

Re: Introducing....

Posted: Thu Sep 26, 2013 10:13 pm
by petts5354
Everyone, thanks for the warm welcome. You're such a mellow bunch. I love it.
Ibasterd wrote:Howdy

How do you like the brew demon? I'm using a Mr. Beer kit but am intrigued by the conical design of the brew demon. My only concern is that it seems that it would take up more space, and for me space is at a premium.

I love my BD conical. It is well made, the opening in the top is big for easy cleaning, it has a co2 vent and best of all it looks cool. And when I'm drinking and brewing beer, cool looking is at the top of my list.

I have another post in the newbie section where a guy sent a picture of a modified versin with a hole in the bottom with a tube for draining off strub. Effectively allowing a second ferment without transfering the beer to another container. Ferment 2 weeks, then drain off the trub, then ferment another week.Awesome!

I'm going to do that mod to mine. I'll post pic's.

Re: Introducing....

Posted: Thu Sep 26, 2013 10:16 pm
by petts5354
When do I get the wires in my head and the red laser eye?

Re: Introducing....

Posted: Thu Sep 26, 2013 10:22 pm
by Snowjob
Welcome petts5354.

Re: Introducing....

Posted: Fri Sep 27, 2013 6:20 am
by RickBeer
FYI, there is no need to remove the trub for a 3 week fermentation, but to each their own.

Re: Introducing....

Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2013 12:40 am
by Wings_Fan_In_KC
Basically, the more you f*ck with it, the more chance there is you'll screw something up.

I've never racked off the trub and I ferment for 3 weeks religiously. That crap you may have read about leaving the beer on the trub causing off flavors is old bullshit that's been refuted in recent years. Even Palmer admits he was wrong.

Put it in the LBK or LDC and leave it there for three weeks unless you have a hydro and take gravity reading that tell you when it's "done."

Re: Introducing....

Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2013 11:39 am
by FrozenInTime
Totally agree wit the above. Leave in the LBK for 3 weeks, don't screw with it, that invites infections. It hurts nuttin to leave it on trub for 3 weeks or a little longer. I have one going now, I let if ferment/LBC condition for 3 weeks, dry hopped it (commando) for 2 more days, then put it in the fridge for a cold crash for 4 days. I will probably transfer it today into a keg if I get time. No ill affects. Don't fear the trub.