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Re: Zesty lemon Saison

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2015 6:12 pm
by Inkleg
Yeast good, temperature good, blowoff tube great, starting at 68 and letting it free rise, fantastic. Looking forward to all the follow ups with this beer.

It's good to see you brewing outside your normal zone. I think you'll have a lot of fun exploring all the different beer options.

Re: Zesty lemon Saison

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2015 6:55 pm
by Beer-lord
Well, I'm learning from some good brewers each and every time I come on this forum.
Props to you all!

Re: Zesty lemon Saison

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2015 11:57 pm
by mashani
Agree with what Inkleg said 100%. Your gonna make saison. If you hate it, you can send it to me and Inkleg. I'm sure I'd love it.

Re: Zesty lemon Saison

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 7:40 am
by Inkleg
mashani wrote: Even if you hate like it, you can send it to me and Inkleg.

Re: Zesty lemon Saison

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 9:20 am
by Beer-lord
I see what you guys are doing. But based on how it smelled after I added the lemon zest yesterday, you're going to have to fight with my wife and sister in law as I really made it for them. Of course, if I like it alot, the tap could develop a serious problem and not work so that only I can get the tap to work properly. :)

Up to 78 this morning and it started fermentation showing activity about 4 hours after it was in the fermenter. You guys weren't kidding when you say it's fast. Everything I read says it will be just about at terminal in 3-4 days but of course, it'll stay at about 78 for 10-14 days at least before I take a reading.

Re: Zesty lemon Saison

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 11:38 am
by BlackDuck
Inkleg wrote:
mashani wrote: When you hate like it, you can send it to me and Inkleg and BlackDuck.
There you it's right.

Re: Zesty lemon Saison

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 11:55 am
by Beer-lord
Damn moderators!

Re: Zesty lemon Saison

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 11:57 am
by TonyKZ1
Boy, the more I read about these Saison recipe's, I'm going to have to try one/two/xxx…

Re: Zesty lemon Saison

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2015 5:55 pm
by Beer-lord
Took a reading 8 days in and am at 1.002. Of course I'm letting it sit longer but with a 5 day and 3 day hop planned, I think I'll wait until next week when it's 2 weeks and clearing better and start the dry hop.
It's not bad at all. I was hoping for more lemon flavors but it is still a little cloudy and warm so I'm thinking after the dry hopping and carbing, it will rear it's lemony head.

Re: Zesty lemon Saison

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2015 12:42 pm
by Inkleg
Almost at the bottom of my glass of this nice beer, picture can be found here.
Straight out of the fridge cold, not much happening with this beer. Malt, hops and yeast all seem to neutralize each other. But as it warms man does it change. Huge lemon nose comes out, whether from the hops or zest or both? and it seems to overpower the yeast. Not in a bad way, but not how I like my Saisons, which I prefer to be more yeast driven. I can see why Mrs. Beer-lord likes this beer. :clink:
I could see me quaffing a few of these after doing yard work with no problem. Now my glass is empty :( .

Re: Zesty lemon Saison

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2015 12:52 pm
by Beer-lord
I do agree it's much better as it warms up and it does refresh after a mow job but it could never be my go to beer.
And Mrs. Beer-lord says it's so-so but Mrs. RedBEERd seems to like it lots and has a few bottles of it already.
Thanks for the review. No go mow your lawn.

Re: Zesty lemon Saison

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2015 1:00 pm
by Inkleg
Do a side by side of your Lemon and my Le Petite and see what the differences are. I just hope your body doesn't reject 24 IBUs. :lol:

Re: Zesty lemon Saison

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2015 1:20 pm
by Beer-lord
Will do but I'll work up a sweat first so that I'll not need much hops to get refreshment.
But, you do know me so well.

Re: Zesty lemon Saison

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2015 7:12 pm
by BlackDuck
I don't normally drink beer with breakfast, but this isn't really breakfast. It's breakfast for dinner...and what better to drink with my breakfast for dinner than a light Zesty Lemon Saison.

Jeff, your right, this sure does change a lot as it warms up. I really like this. I'm not a huge fan of saisons because of the yeast character in them, but this one is overpowering at all. For me, it's nice blend of the malt, lemon and yeast.

And it goes perfect with some fried eggs, ham and cheese over to of an English muffin.
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Re: Zesty lemon Saison

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2015 7:15 pm
by Beer-lord
I really can't get much lemon on this beer. Still can't really go nuts for saisons and if this one is mild, it's all I need. Definitely won't drink this one cold either.
I think I'm going to see if my wife can cook with some of this because I need keg space with beer I want to drink. :) I will likely bottle the rest to hold for awhile.