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Re: The No Post Post

Posted: Fri Sep 20, 2013 6:47 am
by Inkleg
BlackDuck wrote:Stone Vertical Epic 12.12.12. - Unfortunately, I have just recently learned of these recipes. So the last in the Vertical Epic series will be my first.
Chris, Mitch has listed all his Stone Vertical Epic Recipes for all to enjoy.
I found out about them on 05-05-05 and still have a 10-10-10 and 11-11-11 in the fridge.

Re: The No Post Post

Posted: Fri Sep 20, 2013 7:22 am
by BlackDuck
Inkleg wrote:
BlackDuck wrote:Stone Vertical Epic 12.12.12. - Unfortunately, I have just recently learned of these recipes. So the last in the Vertical Epic series will be my first.
Chris, Mitch has listed all his Stone Vertical Epic Recipes for all to enjoy.
I found out about them on 05-05-05 and still have a 10-10-10 and 11-11-11 in the fridge.
Thanks for the link. I'll surely take a look at them!

Re: The No Post Post

Posted: Fri Sep 20, 2013 10:20 am
by philm00x
In this new exercise in patience that is called the sour mash, I've learned that there is NOTHING good on TV early in the day to keep my mind occupied.

Re: The No Post Post

Posted: Fri Sep 20, 2013 10:24 am
by Crazy Climber
Crazy Climber wrote:
FedoraDave wrote:Went to the LHBS this afternoon. Usually I go on Saturdays, but it occurred to me that I'll want to make a yeast starter, probably Friday night after bowling, so since I got home from work earlier than usual, I figured it was my best chance. I needed grains and hops, too, obviously. The grain was easy. I had the Munich already, so all I needed was the 2-row Pale Ale malt, and that's plentiful. Got the right yeast, too. Since I'm doing a Cali Common, I wanted the WLP 810 - San Francisco Lager Yeast. Went to look for the Northern Brewer hops.... and I got SWENNED!

Seriously, they had no Northern Brewer. Well, according to a chart the guy had, Nugget is a good substitute for NB, but I would have preferred the genuine article. I'll still have beer, but I really want to brew this with Northern Brewer.
Bummer - that can be frustrating, when a key ingredient is not available. Makes it tough to "support the local guys" when you run into that situation, and know that if you ordered from an online mega-HBS you'd be able to get everything you want.

I'm heading to my LHBS in a couple of hours, and am concerned because quite often they're out of 1 or 2 things that I want. But they're a drop-off location for a competition that I'm entering, so I'm going local this time regardless. Fingers crossed...
Success! My LHBS had everything that I wanted in stock, so I'm stocked up and ready for my next brew (a variation on the late Pete's Wicked Winter Brew). Also got a couple of handy pieces of advice from the shop owner, gratis. I feel good about "shopping local" today...

Re: The No Post Post

Posted: Fri Sep 20, 2013 3:48 pm
by Yankeedag
Went to "Larry's" here in the Kent Wa area. Got enough to make a Nong InoR. Also the fixings for Nong Apple Pie Spice Cider.

Re: The No Post Post

Posted: Fri Sep 20, 2013 3:51 pm
by Brewbirds
Hey Dag, saw somebody say there wasn't much info on the cider section any way to snag some of your great stuff from the MB site?

Glad to hear your able to get some recipes going.


Re: The No Post Post

Posted: Fri Sep 20, 2013 10:45 pm
by Yankeedag
If you go to the front page here, I listed some beer and cider lists

Re: The No Post Post

Posted: Fri Sep 20, 2013 11:18 pm
by FedoraDave
Well, I got home from bowling tonight, and started in making a yeast starter for Sunday's brew day. Gonna make a fiver of South Ferry Steam Beer.

I need to buy a new thermometer, though. Either my current one has a dead/dying battery, or else something else happened to it, because it wouldn't even turn on tonight.* I chilled it until it felt slightly cold when I dipped a pinkie in. It's going to sit at room temperature for around 26 hours anyway, so I can't imagine I've done much damage to it if it's a wee bit warm.

*that's what she said

Re: The No Post Post

Posted: Sat Sep 21, 2013 11:10 pm
by Yankeedag
Am I the only one that thinks women prattle on about 47 subjects at once and say nothing? Nah, must just me.

Re: The No Post Post

Posted: Sun Sep 22, 2013 8:37 pm
by berryman
Hi everyone, I haven't been keeping up with the forums or brewed anything all summer. Been busy with outdoor work. Yesterday it poured rain all day so I cleaned up my brew room and equiment and did a quick batch of MB seasonal that I got last spring.
I see a lot of familiar names here, Im going to start doing a lot of brewing to build back up the pipeline and want to get caught up on what everybody's been up to.

Re: The No Post Post

Posted: Sun Sep 22, 2013 8:41 pm
by DirtRacer
Glad to see you're here. I haven't brewed all summer either and the more I work inside to set up my stuff for brewing this fall/winter the more I itch to brew. Patience is tough but always pays off.

Re: The No Post Post

Posted: Sun Sep 22, 2013 8:49 pm
by BigPapaG
Hey Don, you made it!


Re: The No Post Post

Posted: Sun Sep 22, 2013 9:18 pm
by FrozenInTime
Glad to see ya made it!

Re: The No Post Post

Posted: Sun Sep 22, 2013 9:23 pm
by philm00x
Welcome, Don!!! Happy to see ya here!

Re: The No Post Post

Posted: Tue Sep 24, 2013 5:15 pm
by berryman
Thanks guys for the welcome, it's like starting over but with deja vu. But on to the program for tonight, me and my buddy Chester aka happy hound are heading across the road down by my woods in my 6x6 with a good supply of beer on hand. We are going to have a bonfire, not an ordinary bonfire mind you, but a huge fire. I have been burning an old house that I tore down on my property this summer one big fire at a time. So if you all don't hear from me again for awhile it's because I'm locked up. It's been a fun couple days since I got to be back with the borg. :clink: