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Re: beer chemistry

Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2014 12:25 pm
by BB2
WOOT. Only missed two as well. Very happy as there were some tough spots in this segment. I deserve a :mug:

Not sure how the grading is calculated - I guess they don't use GPAs anymore? Not to mention A's and B's. My school days were the 70s-80s.

And, yes GOF, we will be studying details of the BIOchemistry of yeasties. But not before we do malting, mashing and boiling chemistry.

Re: beer chemistry

Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2014 9:12 pm
by philm00x
I got all of the questions right on the 2nd quiz, but missed a couple on the first one. I think I'm better at the actual science and math than I am at conceptual stuff.

Re: beer chemistry

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 12:25 pm
by swenocha
Yoop, the quiz ends today, so don't wait for the weekend.

Just aced the 2nd unit quiz, which makes up for my mediocre performance on the first quiz... Learned my lesson. Goes to show that my one tour through the lesson vids early in the week on Unit 1, followed by little review at the end of week and hoping to rely on 20 year old faded memories of chemistry was not a sound strategery... I also think I'm in the same camp as Phil. This unit made a lot of sense and was less theory (to me anyway), so I seemed to retain better. Also, every question I missed on the first one were fill-in questions, and I still contend that my answers were reasonable, but apparently the grader disagreed. Was glad to see that those style of questions were done away with. ;)

Re: beer chemistry

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 7:08 pm
by swenocha
The third week lesson is up now, and it's pretty easy and straightforward. The self-assessment probably is easy enough that most will be able to pass it without even watching the vids, but the chemistry vid gives some detail to some things we talk about in vagaries... DMS, banana esters, hop alphas, etc. Pretty quick watch/read this week...

Re: beer chemistry

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 7:25 pm
by Wings_Fan_In_KC
You vast bastards got 100%? Wow. Impressive.

Swen's right, I took the assessment for Unit 3 just now with no prior info and got all 8 questions right.

This one's going to be a breeze for us brewers.

Re: beer chemistry

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2014 11:52 am
by DaYooper
Was a bit worried as got back later than intended (especially since I didnt know I was going in the first place) from the camping show. Jumped back in the office to finish the final unit as well as the ACS video. Took the assessment and got just a tad over half right. Nope, a big fat eff aint goona cut it. One of two were due to me not reading the questions correctly but gotta count on that happening anyway. Went right to the quiz and completely drove the wife batty with my mumbling (well, grumbling as louder than a mumble) to myself sentence fragments with chemisty and math stuffs embedded here and there along with a few choice swear words.

But, all was worth it when I finally emerged, stood between her and the TV, and started doing my "I am sooooo smart" song and dance for her (something for some reason she will never sing along with me). 100% - aced that bad boy! But, I am hoping the worst is NOT yet to come.

Re: beer chemistry

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2014 3:08 pm
by Gman20
this is turning out to be funner than i thought...... gotta love the "im so smart dance" i personaly could be doing bettter if i spent a lil more time on it think next quiz im goin to tho

Re: beer chemistry

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2014 4:00 pm
by Brewbirds
GMan I gotta give a big ole shout out for turning the Borg onto this course. BB2 is all over these sessions and loving it. :thanks: :urock: :urock:

Re: beer chemistry

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2014 7:14 pm
by Wings_Fan_In_KC
I found the beer styles info much more interesting than the "elasticity of moiety" bullshit.

Hehehehehe. I cracked myself up.

Re: beer chemistry

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2014 12:03 pm
by DaYooper
Brewbirds wrote:GMan I gotta give a big ole shout out for turning the Borg onto this course. BB2 is all over these sessions and loving it. :thanks: :urock: :urock:
Ditto. That was one heck of a find especially with it being free Free FREE! Now if someone starts debating beer with me I can use the "elasticity of moiety" stuffs on them until their eyes glaze over and they buy me a beer to shut up.

Re: beer chemistry

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2014 5:45 pm
by Brewbirds
Now if someone starts debating beer with me I can use the "elasticity of moiety" stuffs on them until their eyes glaze over and they buy me a beer to shut up.
Imagine my trepidation at the lectures I'll be receiving every brew day from now on. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Seriously though he's way into it and since I'm mostly the kitchen slavey he'll have to learn how to translate into small speak or the brew day day is going to get much longer. :whistle:

Re: beer chemistry

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2014 4:05 am
by Gman20
Brewbirds wrote:GMan I gotta give a big ole shout out for turning the Borg onto this course. BB2 is all over these sessions and loving it. :thanks: :urock: :urock:

yea its cool to see it caught on with the borg :clink:

Re: beer chemistry

Posted: Thu Feb 13, 2014 11:05 am
by BB2
Disappointed myself by missing two unit 3 questions, both due to carelessness. One, very easy, I just got distracted by the profs use of yeast color to match types and just carelessly mismatched them. The second, I counted my carbons in the diagram properly (hint: review your branch naming, metas and butes) and just fumbled the matching box thingy. Oh well, looks I am destined for a "B".

Re: beer chemistry

Posted: Thu Feb 13, 2014 6:24 pm
by Wings_Fan_In_KC
I, contrary to my earlier performances, aced this one. I noticed the question about yeast and beer color didn't make any sense but just matched the "shade" to the style anyway.

I'm sure the same dumbass who posted in the review that the question about lagering was "technically incorrect" will have something to say about the yeast/color question on the quiz too.

I forgot that there's always one of "those guys" in college settings.

Re: beer chemistry

Posted: Mon Feb 17, 2014 11:29 am
by DaYooper
For those who may have missed it (like me, who just noticed yesterday) the 3rd unit quiz is due this Tuesday and not on a Saturday like the previous two. Good thing I decided to double check and pay attention as Tuesday is date nite with two dollar crafts so some nights I tend to come home a little loopy and would hate to have to take my quiz in that state!