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Re: Enjoy By (All editions)

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2016 5:29 am
by MrBandGuy
A local pizza joint had Enjoy by 4/20 on tap last night. I found it enjoyable, as mentioned above with a good fruity aroma and strong but drinkable taste. I didn't notice the alcohol until half way through, after a bit of warming. And then, yes, it was distracting and not as good. As I was eating pizza, I figured it was the combination of flavors that contributed to this. I enjoyed it, and am happy I got to try it, but I'm not rushing back for more.

Re: Enjoy By (All editions)

Posted: Sat May 21, 2016 4:18 pm
by Kealia
Last night I had the 5.30.16 Tangerine and can't say that I liked it. There was nothing wrong with it in terms of it being infected, etc. but the aroma seemed a little odd. It was definitely citrus and the hops but I just wasn't 'feeling it'. Even the taste was a little harsh - which is what I think I mentioned about the last Enjoy BY I had.
After having had some fresh Pliny recently, this just seemed really out of balance. My friend nailed it for me: It was like there was some Lysol in it. The smell was almost artificial and the taste left a resiny, astringent sensation on my tongue.

This was a free bomber so no loss for me, but maybe I'm just losing my taste for Enjoy By. :(

Re: Enjoy By (All editions)

Posted: Sat May 21, 2016 8:13 pm
by Beer-lord
Blasphemy is a crime!

Re: Enjoy By (All editions)

Posted: Sat May 21, 2016 10:02 pm
by BigPapaG
Beer-lord wrote:Blasphemy is a crime!
Yeah... Ron, you must have gotten a bad bottle.

I had one the other night that was bottled in early May and it was good.

Not really great or memorable but definitely what it professed to be...

I got Tangerine and Citrus hops on the nose, and tasted Tangerine as well...

The bitterness level was moderate and overall it was a good beer.

Not the best Enjoy By I've had but clearly good.
