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Re: The No Post Post

Posted: Sun Jan 19, 2014 11:30 am
by berryman
pocketjr wrote:
FrozenInTime wrote:
berryman wrote:I've been cleaning bottles tonight, yes it can be a PITA,
I just rinse once or twice, then toss into the trash. Love my kegs.

Hmmm…. I've been using the same PET bottles for at least a dozen batches. I rinse after using and then rinse before sanitizing. My last batch is coming out with very little head and no lacing. I wonder if the bottles could be to blame? :oops:
There's nothing wrong with using PET's but you should change out the caps after a few batches, they might not seal good anymore. IDK if you have a capper or not but glass is a lot better way to go.

Re: The No Post Post

Posted: Sun Jan 19, 2014 12:12 pm
by Yankeedag
Hmmm…. I've been using the same PET bottles for at least a dozen batches. I rinse after using and then rinse before sanitizing. My last batch is coming out with very little head and no lacing. I wonder if the bottles could be to blame? :oops:[/quote]
There's nothing wrong with using PET's but you should change out the caps after a few batches, they might not seal good anymore. IDK if you have a capper or not but glass is a lot better way to go.[/quote]
:borg: Yeah, what berryman said. :borg:

Re: The No Post Post

Posted: Sun Jan 19, 2014 4:34 pm
by Tabasco
I never used PET bottles .... first batch was with glass bottles, and stuck with it for years. Now, it's mostly corny's. But, I've always thought it might be neat to try PET bottles. Just never did. It's all good. So, I'm blabbing without giving advice ... heh heh.

Re: The No Post Post

Posted: Sun Jan 19, 2014 5:19 pm
by Inkleg
OMG, a little more foam, can you move that thingy, can you hold this to block the sun.
My wife the budding photographer (and a damn good one at that) is driving me crazy. Some kind of class homework and she has decided to do it in my brew room with all my brew stuff. I have no doubt that the picture is going to be great, but I'm going to be drunk from making sure the glass has "foam". I'll post the picture when she done.
Till then "a little more foam my friends". :laugh

Re: The No Post Post

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2014 7:48 pm
by Tabasco
I just finished my keg of oatmeal stout. Now the keg is available for the fermenter that will be done this weekend .... IPA. That'll be six full kegs, as usual ... I'll likely stop fermenting for a bit ... all fermenters will be empty which is rare, but I want to go on a diet a bit. And if I ain't drinkin', there'll be no place to put more beer ... unless I bottle, and I try only to do that with MrB size batches anymore.

Re: The No Post Post

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2014 7:57 pm
by berryman
Dam, here comes another polar vortex this week. I'm getting tired of these weather people coming up with new names for the same old bad weather we've had for years. Cold again here in Western NY. 1 deg right now but not much wind chill yet, windchill will be in the morning when I have to get up and go to work. Polar vortex, Bull$hitt.

Re: The No Post Post

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2014 8:10 pm
by jimjohson
yeah suppose to be down to 23 tonight

Re: The No Post Post

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2014 8:25 pm
by mtsoxfan
We never reached 23 today... snowing, 9* and falling...

Re: The No Post Post

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 12:04 am
by Yankeedag
Ok, Vacation time is over. Was going to get a job as a delivery boy for O'Riely's, but got offered another job as a CDL driver that offers a bigger cha-ching each week. Got a family to provide for. At least I'll have weekends off with this one, and get to spend that time with the Grand-Kidletts. That's important to me and Mrs. Dag, and now the Grand-kidletts as they get to know us.

Re: The No Post Post

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 10:06 am
by BlackDuck
Had a cold night last night. Power went out at 1:30 am and came back on at 7:15 am. It's 0 outside!!! The house was at 51F when the power came back on.....a little chilly. Not much sleep either, too worried about when to turn the water off!!! Thank God I didn't need to go there. Going to be a long day at work today!!!

Re: The No Post Post

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 10:28 am
by Yankeedag
[quote="BlackDuck"]Had a cold night last night. Power went out at 1:30 am and came back on at 7:15 am. It's 0 outside!!! The house was at 51F when the power came )

Dang it! there is some key on this board I keep hitting unknowingly, and it erases everything I type. POOP!

What I did to winterize my place was to take some paper towel and toilet paper rolls, (you can wrap the outside with pretty stuff... like foil) cut them to fit over any exposed pipe, and snug up against the faucets, Then, fill them with that insulation foam from a can. Then trim and make pretty.

That way, I didn't have to worry about the weather again.

Re: The No Post Post

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 11:48 am
by mtsoxfan
So our school closed today after 5" or so of snow, and we rarely close or even delay, so there must have been an icing issue... I'm used to being on my feet all day at school, so after 4 hours of sitting correcting essays etc. I couldn't take it anymore, I had to take a walk around the neighborhood. Now my morning started at 5;30 with me clearing the snow off solar panels on roof (wind whipping) and then clearing the driveway etc. I thought it was chilly then. Even on a beautiful sunny snowday, I figured it would still be chilly, so I dressed for it. 100 yards out of the house, wind at my back, it was too much. turned back, into the wind, guessing at least 20mph as it was really pushing me back at times. the 1* felt effin chilly. The only thing exposed was a small area around my eyes and nose. That turned painful.... I was close to pulling hat over entire face and walking blindly home. Gosh, it looks so beautiful outside, looking at it from the warm inside.

Re: The No Post Post

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2014 9:21 am
by Crazy Climber
Yankeedag wrote:Dang it! there is some key on this board I keep hitting unknowingly, and it erases everything I type. POOP!
Are you using a laptop? Sometimes the touchpad can cause problems like that. If you happen to hit the buttons on the touchpad inadvertently, you might highlight all of your text, and then the next key you type replaces all of what you typed. I always disable the touchpad on my laptops and use an external mouse, cuz I got sick of deleting everything I typed that way.

Re: The No Post Post

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2014 9:29 pm
by Yankeedag
Crazy Climber wrote:
Yankeedag wrote:Dang it! there is some key on this board I keep hitting unknowingly, and it erases everything I type. POOP!
Are you using a laptop? Sometimes the touchpad can cause problems like that. If you happen to hit the buttons on the touchpad inadvertently, you might highlight all of your text, and then the next key you type replaces all of what you typed. I always disable the touchpad on my laptops and use an external mouse, cuz I got sick of deleting everything I typed that way.
good point. might check into it. Thanks. :idea:

Re: The No Post Post

Posted: Sun Jan 26, 2014 10:10 pm
by Chuck N
No work for me or LMOL tonight. They have the highway on both sides of town closed due to blowing and drifting snow. Near white-out conditions here in town at times. I can only imagine what it would be like out in the country.