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Re: The No Post Post

Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2014 7:31 am
by jimjohson
I did brew in the kitchen but i'd do it while swmbo and the MiL were out shopping. everything was put away and kit. cleaned before they ever got home. that was before ag no way I can get it done now...couldn't afford for her to shop that long.

Re: The No Post Post

Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2014 8:03 am
by FrozenInTime
mtsoxfan wrote: but she wouldn't appreciate the aromas...
I guess I just don't get it. The smell from brewing is awesome! It's intoxicating just smelling wort boiling!! My wife is the same way but puts up with it.

Re: The No Post Post

Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2014 4:41 pm
by Brewbirds
I've seen so many posts about SWMBOs not liking the smell and it always raised an eyebrow.

I wonder if there are any studies out about the percieved smell of brewing/wort.

I only ask because us few female brewers don't seem to mind and I for one love the smell of my house on brew day. I wish Evily, Alb and Connie were here to chime in.

From a scientific standpoint we girl brewers may have a sniffer defect in our hormonal balance leading us to be much more lenient, creative, open minded, intelligent and astute. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Enter a RB comment here: :whistle:

Re: The No Post Post

Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2014 5:20 pm
by FedoraDave
My wife just doesn't drink beer or any alcohol, so she hasn't developed an *ahem* appreciation of the magical aromas resulting from brewing.

My son maintains that the smell of boiling wort smells like hot chocolate. Not sure where he gets that from; smells like wort to me.

But I've noticed that the negative comments are usually more pointed if I'm doing a more hop-forward recipe, like an IPA or my Crown Top Pale Ale. I brewed a Scotch Strong Ale today, with only .75 ounces of mild Kent Goldings for 30 minutes, and I didn't even notice much of an aroma myself.

Re: The No Post Post

Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2014 5:21 pm
by BlackDuck
My wife thinks it smells like a barn. But she grew up in the sticks, so it doesn't really bother her.

Re: The No Post Post

Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2014 6:11 pm
by haerbob3
Me I used to have the kitchen all to myself. These past months had let the wife start cooking. Do not like how she keeps rearranging it!!

Re: The No Post Post

Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2014 6:20 pm
by mtsoxfan
On a positive note, when she came home and hugged me, she said I smelled like hops, but didn't push me away... :)

Re: The No Post Post

Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2014 10:56 pm
by jimjohson
always a + mtsoxfan, always a +

Re: The No Post Post

Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2014 10:58 pm
by FrozenInTime
mtsoxfan wrote:On a positive note, when she came home and hugged me, she said I smelled like hops, but didn't push me away... :)
Man, u come up to me all smelling like wort and hops, I'll give u a hug too!! :jumpy:

Re: The No Post Post

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2014 10:18 am
by Tabasco
My wife says it stinks. I just say, "well how do ya like that?", and brew away.

Re: The No Post Post

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2014 11:50 am
by Chuck N
My wife don't mind the smell of the wort so much as she hates the smell of the grains after they're done mashing. They go straight out to the garbage.

Re: The No Post Post

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2014 12:05 pm
by haerbob3
My wife likes the smell. Here are her word on the subject.
"When I am brewing she knows all is well"
How can you not love a woman like that!!

Re: The No Post Post

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2014 12:24 pm
by Dawg LB Steve
Couple years ago stopped into a local BrewPub for lunch, Grand Daughter says EWE whats that smell, without hesitation her father said SUCCESS. They were emptying the spent grains from the mash tun. :D

Re: The No Post Post

Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2014 7:40 pm
by T8rSalad
In the footsteps of THE HAT, my long lost younger brother from Denver and older brother from a coupla miles away paid a visit last evening for 6-7 hours shooting the shirt about our younger days and all...drinking some wine and definitely some homebrews, first pours and others. My long lost bro is kinda snobbish in his wicked little ways but he gave me big props for the 3 different brew we sampled. Made me feel proud of what I do and we all thoroughly enjoyed the company, the time we spent together and the drunk we got on. He is in town for a week and made a comment about coming over 3 or times in that timeframe. I restocked the well (mini-fridge) and made sure to get a couple of other styles chilled in time for the next visits. I hadn't seen him in 3 years with all my travels to Texas whenever he came down. Gotta love my younger sib even more now as he is chilling in his advanced age, he's 54 now...LOL

:wow: :thanks: :cheers: :party:

Re: The No Post Post

Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2014 10:27 pm
by Insanitized
T8rSalad wrote:In the footsteps of THE HAT, my long lost younger brother from Denver and older brother from a coupla miles away paid a visit last evening for 6-7 hours shooting the shirt about our younger days and all...drinking some wine and definitely some homebrews, first pours and others. My long lost bro is kinda snobbish in his wicked little ways but he gave me big props for the 3 different brew we sampled. Made me feel proud of what I do and we all thoroughly enjoyed the company, the time we spent together and the drunk we got on. He is in town for a week and made a comment about coming over 3 or times in that timeframe. I restocked the well (mini-fridge) and made sure to get a couple of other styles chilled in time for the next visits. I hadn't seen him in 3 years with all my travels to Texas whenever he came down. Gotta love my younger sib even more now as he is chilling in his advanced age, he's 54 now...LOL

:wow: :thanks: :cheers: :party:
I lost my older brother this year, he was was 58(I'm 52) and lost a long battle with cancer. Enjoy your times, I know I did and can sit back and smile at what we DID do together as brothers. It's a long, fun, list.