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Re: Nano Brewery Startup

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2014 1:41 pm
by DaYooper
Have you tried any sites like Indiegogo where you dont have to meet a specific goal in order to keep the money, or are you in an "all or nothing" situation with respect to starting up?

As others have said, sometimes finding out what doesnt work is as important if not more than finding out what works. A new brewery has been in the process of opening by my house and I have been watching their trials and tribulations as well.

Re: Nano Brewery Startup

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2014 3:26 pm
by Funky Skunk Brewing
DaYooper wrote:Have you tried any sites like Indiegogo where you dont have to meet a specific goal in order to keep the money, or are you in an "all or nothing" situation with respect to starting up?

As others have said, sometimes finding out what doesnt work is as important if not more than finding out what works. A new brewery has been in the process of opening by my house and I have been watching their trials and tribulations as well.
We have given other sources for funding like those you mentioned a lot of thought. The only issue I have is whatever funds we receive under what we need overall will only get us so far in terms of what we need to get into a building. As you mentioned, it's really an all or nothing venture with funding at this point. Anything I purchase of course goes towards the brewing equipment, etc. out of my own pocket, which helps the bottom line number. Still, we've trimmed it down to the "BARE" minimum at this point to have a number that is solid to get what we need to get into a building and talk to the TTB.

I may launch on another funding site just to obtain certain items, like the kettles, control panel, etc. If the number is say $3,000, it may attract more funding from more people as the number just doesn't appear to be as large of a goal as $20,000 does. Something we are considering right now actually as we move forward. Maybe instead of one BIG campaign, we actually do smaller ones to obtain funding through smaller financial goals rather than the "all in" approach we took on Kickstarter.

There is no cookie cutter solution to doing this of course. We're just trying to find the right path and combination for it to work for us.

Re: Nano Brewery Startup

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2014 9:04 am
by Funky Skunk Brewing
I was contacted last night by a guy here in Pensacola about a possible partnership in efforts to help get the brewery back on track with funding and getting off the ground. He seemed very interested as he had been planning or started to think about planning a brewpub here in the Pensacola area. Told me that he had been following our progress and was surprised that we had been doing so well in a short amount of time and would like to meet to discuss different opportunities and roles he would like to play in the brewery.

I was at first a little hesitant as I do not want a "partner" as it were, though we are meeting the first of next week to discuss ideas and other avenues we may be able to come to some terms we both can live with and really get the fire stoked back up and pushing forward. We'll see how it goes.

Re: Nano Brewery Startup

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2014 9:48 am
by gwcr
I hear you on the partner thing. I've had two businesses. One without a partner and one with three. Working on starting up another business that will definitely require a partner as well. If you can find the right person/people, and your visions match up it can be a great thing. Especially if said partner can help fund the business... :whistle:

Re: Nano Brewery Startup

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2014 9:54 am
by Tabasco
Best wishes! I'd love to try some one day.

Re: Nano Brewery Startup

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2014 10:01 am
by Funky Skunk Brewing
gwcr - Yeah, I have the same feelings as well in regards to a partner. I hope if a partner is needed or comes into the picture we can have alignment and the same vision and work something out and work together to push forward. I just don't want to get into situation where money is owed, what percentage do we each get, etc. etc. that can arise.

That's the reason I decided to not get a friend involved in the beginning as well, even though one was interested. I have learned from the past that can wreck a friendship for nothing due to the financial piece that was never there now is.

I also want to avoid having anyone else "own" a part of the business as well. If we can work something else out and they can provide funding or another type of talent (for lack of better term) than that would be ideal. We'll see how the meeting goes next week and I'll post updates as always.

Re: Nano Brewery Startup

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2014 11:15 am
by DaYooper
Make sure you define the roles and responsibilities right off. I have found that everyone wants to be the sales guy since it is "fun" and shows results, but alas everyone just ends up stepping on each others toes. Plus it is "fun" to hang around the local places selling, but making a roadtrip is work and not fun. It has been a struggle keeping people in their respective areas without coming across as a jerk.

I would think it would be difficult keeping one out of ownership. An investor may own shares of Microsoft, but they sure aint goona let them into the boardroom (unless you own a whole bunch). Even with a small ownership a person can take their friends into "their bar" to show off which is cool. Just need the understanding of roles and what is acceptable in the workplace.

I agree with the friends thing. Ive helped friends with their businesses and they have helped me, but it has always been as an investor role. We have realized it is not worth a friendship should things go sour.

Re: Nano Brewery Startup

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2014 11:39 am
by Funky Skunk Brewing
100% agree there, Yooper. We'll see what they have in mind when we meet and what expectations they have and we can go from there. This could be a great opportunity for us both and the brewery overall. I already have some paperwork drawn up for this sort of occasion if there were outside investors, amounts, timeframe, ROI, etc. The meeting will determine how we go forward from there if at all.

Re: Nano Brewery Startup

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2014 4:57 pm
by John Sand
I think you are wise to meet with him. It might result in a great collaboration. If not, you are only where you started.

Re: Nano Brewery Startup

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2014 7:49 pm
by jimjohson
I agree with John Sand, it's a case of "nothing ventured, nothing gained". You got nothing to lose but a little time.

Re: Nano Brewery Startup

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2014 9:59 am
by Funky Skunk Brewing
John & Jim - I fully agree and we are going to meet the first part of next week. You never know, this could be the break we were looking for and at the very least, I may be able to get a new brewing buddy out of it as well. I do not have any "close" friends that brew and they get rather bored when I am brewing beer.

Re: Nano Brewery Startup

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2014 2:44 pm
by Funky Skunk Brewing
Stepping up the pilot system here in the week ahead. My dad who I just made some Hazelnut Brown Ale for is really liking the fact I can produce better beer than he buys at the local store for less and he gets a lot more. Plus, he has been behind this project 100% since we first start to try this venture and would be some sort of investor when it gets down to brass tacks.

He wants more beer when he places an "order" with me since it seems all his friends have quite the liking to the brews we have been sending up to him and it doesn't last as long with more than one person drinking them down. So, going from the five gallon kettles up to 20 gallon kettles to make bigger batches. Best part is I am not paying for it, just received a PayPal credit to reimburse my expenses of ordering the new vessels and other misc. items this morning.

Good news is this will remain as the brewery's pilot system when that takes flight so we are steadily, all be it slowly, still working towards the ultimate goal. We are about to receive a $5,000 investment to order the entire brewhouse kettle system, bigger wort chiller and a five keg kegging system with 25 kegs to start with.

With this generous funding, we will be able to perhaps start another crowd funding campaign to where the overall funding goal will be much lower than $20,000 this time around. Probably closer to the $10,000 or even less overall goal which could help achieve the goal this time around. Every little bit helps and like I said, we are steadily moving forward with the dream.

It's really a huge moral boost to hear that others who I do not know are really liking the beers. Rekindles the fire even brighter to bare down and keep my nose to the stone driving forward.

Re: Nano Brewery Startup

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2014 2:48 pm
by gwcr
That's great to hear Eddie. First the anniversary, now this. Could this week get any better for you?


Re: Nano Brewery Startup

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2014 4:10 pm
by Funky Skunk Brewing
gwcr wrote:That's great to hear Eddie. First the anniversary, now this. Could this week get any better for you?

I know, right?

Yeah, this week has been one of the better ones in quite some time I can tell you that. It does give off a good feeling that all the hard work I and others working with me have been doing is starting to pay off. It's a (slower) process but it is coming together. As always, a HUGE thank you to all the Borg who have been behind us 100%.


Re: Nano Brewery Startup

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2014 4:13 pm
by philm00x
Keep on truckin!! Great news :)