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The "Brag On Yourself" thread

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2014 8:20 pm
by FedoraDave
I have to brag a little. Yesterday I brewed a fiver of FedoraDave's American Ale, which I consider my "House Brew". The recipe I followed is one I formulated a little over 2 years ago, converting an extract recipe to AG. I've brewed this at least three or four times since then, and I've always been pleased with it.

But this time, I also noticed something which I consider extremely important.

According to my original notes, my OG was 1.056. That's what I hit yesterday, right on the screws. And I recall hitting it exactly the last time I brewed it, sometime in the fall of 2013. I think I've hit 1.056 just about every time I've brewed this, in fact.

This tells me I'm getting consistency in my process, and can count on repeating recipes with the same level of quality over and over again.

It's good to brag on ourselves now and then, so use this thread to pat yourself on the back! You'll have the rest of us patting your back, too! :barman:

Re: The "Brag On Yourself" thread

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2014 9:43 pm
by Inkleg
I call All Y'all my friends. That bragging rights right there. :clink:

Re: The "Brag On Yourself" thread

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2014 10:18 pm
by Tabasco
I'm getting pretty good consistency with OG's for given amounts of malt. I am now trying to get better hop utilization for my IPA's, but it's somewhat limited with partial volume boils.

Re: The "Brag On Yourself" thread

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2014 10:49 pm
by Beer-lord
My OG's have been spot on but it's my FG's that I've been challenged with though I have been doing much better recently.
My only pat on the back is that I don't give up. I keep going, bitch to you guys about my screw ups and faults and then 'git er done'.

Re: The "Brag On Yourself" thread

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2014 11:15 pm
by Wings_Fan_In_KC
I make beer, I've never once calculated an ABV (cuz I don't care) and I've fully embraced the "RDWHAHB" mantra.

That's good enough for me.

Re: The "Brag On Yourself" thread

Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2014 12:02 am
by Yankeedag
I like beer. I like talking beer. I think the best part of that is, the BeerBorg. I found a place with a lot of nice people. I spend a lot of time here, only because, I like all y'all.

Re: The "Brag On Yourself" thread

Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2014 6:15 am
by Tabasco
Beer-lord wrote:My OG's have been spot on but it's my FG's that I've been challenged with though I have been doing much better recently.
My only pat on the back is that I don't give up. I keep going, bitch to you guys about my screw ups and faults and then 'git er done'.
Yah, in the winter when my basement brew room can get down to 58degF, I have to always use a strong yeast like S05, and sometimes even with that I sometimes am off the mark on FG.

Re: The "Brag On Yourself" thread

Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2014 12:54 pm
by Bluejaye
Funny, just this morning I was pouring mouthwash from a large/economy size bottle with a large mouth into a smaller bottle with a smaller mouth, without a funnel. Thinking to myself, "The only reason I can do this now, is because of all the experience pouring wort without losing a drop." And the only reason I can do that, is the advice/tips that the Borg gave on the old forum. So I think we all can pat ourselves on the back! I'm available for parties to show off this awesome ability.

Re: The "Brag On Yourself" thread

Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2014 1:06 pm
by FrozenInTime
Yankeedag wrote:I like beer. I like talking beer. I think the best part of that is, the BeerBorg. I found a place with a lot of nice people. I spend a lot of time here, only because, I like all y'all.
Awww, I feel so special!

Re: The "Brag On Yourself" thread

Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2014 1:13 pm
by FrozenInTime
Let's see.... I can't really brag on myself, but I can brag on the BORG! For without all of you, I would have given up brewing a long time ago! My first and second batch came out tasting like, well, poop!

I guess I can brag about myself, I have learned to irritate people world wide more than normal. All joking aside (yea, I was joking), I've learned to appreciate hops and grain! I am getting fairly good at making a pretty darn good IPA. I am now hitting my numbers fairly accurate, my beers are getting to be well known in my hood. Guys come from miles around to sample my IPAs, so yea, I'm getting pretty darn good at them. Again though, it would not have been possible without the BORG! So I say, thank-you BORG for making me a good beer brewer! (ALL of you)

Re: The "Brag On Yourself" thread

Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2014 4:29 pm
by joechianti
I guess if I have anything to brag about, it would be the fact that I'm FINALLY starting to take my health seriously after too many decades of being a stubborn, reckless fool. I'm making a genuine effort with diet, exercise and cooperation with my doctors. I've had to give up most of the foods and drinks I love. But I'm sticking to the routine with about an 85% attenuation rate, although I must admit, when I indulge too much in beans I get nearly a 100% flocculation rate. Seriously though, today I just found out about Clarity Ferm, so I may be brewing again very soon. That will help with the gluten, but will still mean being careful with the gout. But I'll take what I can get.

Re: The "Brag On Yourself" thread

Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2014 5:41 pm
by Inkleg
Joe, those are some damn good bragging rights. And the fact that I laugh at every one of your posts, is pretty good bragging rights too. :rofl:

Re: The "Brag On Yourself" thread

Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2014 10:08 pm
by jimjohson
well, only if he means them to be funny. ;)

I can't really brag about my brewing with out the Borg I probably wouldn't be. all it really proves is I have good reading comprehension. I guess my only bragging comes from my kids and grandkids...they're all happy and healthy. what more could you want?

Re: The "Brag On Yourself" thread

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 1:07 pm
by joechianti
Thanks, Ink.

Jim, I'll add to that sentiment along with you and the others in this thread. I think all of us here can be both happy and proud of the fact that we had enough sense to listen and learn from the great brewers and friends we found here.