Mr Beer Blowout Gameplan

Recipes based in Mr. Beer extracts and refills.

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Mr Beer Blowout Gameplan

Post by ssorck »

So I've decided to get cracking at blowing out the rest of my Mr. Beer stock. I came up with a rough gameplan last night and figured I'd throw it up here for some comments/criticism. All of the LME I'll be using will be from Williams Brewing, I'll be placing a large order with them shortly...

1) 1 Can Canadian Blonde & 1 Can American Light - 2.5 gallons Trippel, as per this thread, including the noted recipe adjustments: viewtopic.php?f=27&t=2241

2) 1 Can 2013 Spiced Xmas Ale - Blowing out to a 5 gallon batch of something like 21st Ammendment Monks Blood hopefully. Going to use 6lbs Belgian Pale LME, Caramunich & Special B steep,d-90 Candi Syrup. Magnum & Amarillo hops. Will pich onto the yeastcake from the Trippel above. viewtopic.php?f=27&t=2852

3) 1 Can Bavarian Weissbier - Will make the Apricot Wheat recipe. May use a wheat yeast. ... at_Recipe1

4) 1 Can Canadian Blonde - Blowing out to a 4.5 Gallon batch of roughly the Beach Babe Blonde recipe. Will use 3.3 lbs American Light LME, steep a little crystal and add some centenial hops. ... de_Recipe1

5) 1 Can White IPA - Blowing out to a 7 Gallon batch (in 2 buckets) of Saison using Belle Sasion. Will have an OG approx 1.048 or so. 3.3 lbs Belgian Pale LME, small CaraVienne steep, Saaz hops.

6) 1 Can White IPA - Blowing out to a 7 Gallon batch (in 2 buckets) of Mosaic Saison using Belle Sasion. Will have an OG approx 1.048 or so. 3.3 lbs Belgian Pale LME, small CaraVienne steep, Mosaic hops (I think) - want to use a fruitty hop. Was also thinking maybe Belma or Simcoe...or maybe Ace??

7) 1 Can Saison - Blowing out to a 7 Gallon batch (in 2 buckets) of Saison using Belle Sasion. Will have an OG approx 1.048 or so. 3.3 lbs Belgian Pale LME, small CaraVienne steep, Pacific Jade hops I'm thinking??

8) 1 Can NutBrown - Blowing out to 5 gallons. 3.3 lbs Nut Brown LME, small victory steep maybe, Fuggles hops.

9) 1 Can NutBrown - Blowing out to 5 gallons. 3.3 lbs Nut Brown LME, small victory steep maybe, Williamette hops.

10) 1 Can Xmas Spiced - will make this one straight up, but will likely change from T-58 yeast.

So thats basically my plan, which will likely take me straight into at least the fall before I finish everything. Once I bottle my current batches I probably will only have 1 case of bottles left, but I'll brew as bottles come available.

Any comments, criticism, suggestions are welcome!!!
Last edited by ssorck on Mon May 26, 2014 1:46 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Mr Beer Blowout Gameplan

Post by Bluejaye »

I don't really have any comments, other than I need to do the same thing. So this motivates me to think about what I'm going to do with the last of my HMEs "soon."

I guess my only comment would be about #3. The yeast that comes with the Bavarian Weissbier is a wheat yeast. Or at least, it's not the standard gold pack yeast.
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Re: Mr Beer Blowout Gameplan

Post by RickBeer »

I've been busy making 5 gallon recipes, so I'm also back to clearing out my Mr. Beer stock, which I've had since Fall 2012. This week I'm brewing the last Oatmeal Stout (again as a Peanut Butter Oatmeal Stout) and the next to last St. Valentine's Cherries in Honey - both for SWMBO. After that I'l have left another St. Valentine's, 1 Aztec Mexican Cerveza, and 2 Classic American Lights. I put the Aztec and CAL's up for sale here: RickBeer's blowout the Aztec and CAL sale. Whether I sell them or not, it will all be gone by Fall.
Last edited by RickBeer on Mon Mar 31, 2014 4:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Bottled 5 gallons of Ann Arbor Red on 4/18/17. Bottled 5 gallons of Michigan Red on 5/8/17.

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Re: Mr Beer Blowout Gameplan

Post by DaYooper »

Hey Rick, just bottled meself a PB Oatmeal Stout before my Frankenmuth trip last weekend. Today or tomorrow I will be grabbing my last two cans and make up a Chocolate Coconut Oatmeal Stout per SWMBOs request. Naming it after the Mounds candybar by calling it Tumulus Stout. Why do I have the feeling I will soon be splitting 5ers between the two in the LBKs???

Still have some more refills sitting around but havent thought a whole lot about them. I think I have a seasonal, the API IPA, and a cherry perry from what I can remember.
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Re: Mr Beer Blowout Gameplan

Post by mashani »

The white IPA to saison is a great choice. I've turned a can into a 5 gallon saison with great results. I've got a can here I'm doing the same to this summer.
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Re: Mr Beer Blowout Gameplan

Post by ssorck »

mashani wrote:The white IPA to saison is a great choice. I've turned a can into a 5 gallon saison with great results. I've got a can here I'm doing the same to this summer.
Your posts regarding what you did with the White IPA was what motivated to pull he trigger on 2 seasonal 4 packs awhile back when I had a stackable coupon...
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Re: Mr Beer Blowout Gameplan

Post by berryman »

Wow ssorck your problem with what to do with all the MB products sounds more like fun then a problem to me :) I do wish I could have seen some of mashani's post on the white IPA before I used them up, I really didn't care for that beer straight up, and I always liked the seasonals. Keep us posted on what you are doing with them.
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Re: Mr Beer Blowout Gameplan

Post by mashani »

ssorck wrote:
mashani wrote:The white IPA to saison is a great choice. I've turned a can into a 5 gallon saison with great results. I've got a can here I'm doing the same to this summer.
Your posts regarding what you did with the White IPA was what motivated to pull he trigger on 2 seasonal 4 packs awhile back when I had a stackable coupon...
Yeah, I have a set of those on my shelf two. At what amounted to 50% off they were worth it.
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Re: Mr Beer Blowout Gameplan

Post by ssorck »

1) Trippel - done
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Re: Mr Beer Blowout Gameplan

Post by Trollby »

10) 1 Can Xmas Spiced - will make this one straight up, but will likely change from T-58 yeast.
I found the Mulling Spice was a little over powering. This might be since I bought my spice fresh not from a grocery store and was very strong.

Also I thing the beer needed more Almond extract, I think this year when I make this (from scratch not Mr. Beer Kit) I will add more Almond extract at bottle time.
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Re: Mr Beer Blowout Gameplan

Post by ssorck »

2) Belgian Strong Dark Ale done.
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Re: Mr Beer Blowout Gameplan

Post by ssorck »

Trollby wrote:
10) 1 Can Xmas Spiced - will make this one straight up, but will likely change from T-58 yeast.
I found the Mulling Spice was a little over powering. This might be since I bought my spice fresh not from a grocery store and was very strong.

Also I thing the beer needed more Almond extract, I think this year when I make this (from scratch not Mr. Beer Kit) I will add more Almond extract at bottle time.
I'm slow at times - just realized I forgot the Almond Extract on last years Mr Beer Xmas brew. Oops...and the store mulling was a bit strong in mine as well.
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Re: Mr Beer Blowout Gameplan

Post by T8rSalad »

Thanks for this topic Ssorck...along these same lines, my daughter wants me to make a similar brew to what Leinenkugel's Berry Weiss is. Any ideas of coming close with using the Old MB WWW and what flavoring additions and possibly adding Lactose to sweeten it a bit? I don't want to do grains or anything especially since I still quite a few refills left of Old MB product. Any advice is greatly appreciated as she has been asking for this from me for 6 months now. TIA

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Fermenting: Quiet Kreek Kolsch Deaux, First Pitch Pilsner Ale Trois

Conditioning: Nut Brown Vienna Lager Ale, PilotHouse Pilsner, Johnny Silk's ESB 4th gen, Blue Moon Clone Trois, Fallen Friar Deaux, Arizona Country Canadian Draft Deaux

Drinking & Sharing: Rose's Rambling Red, Blue Moon Deaux, Ruck & Maul Red, American Devil Indian Pale Ale, Quiet Creek Kolsch, Northwest Pale Ale, Golden Czech Pils, Beach Babe Blonde, Grand Bohemian Czech Pils Trois, Diablo IPA+, Columbus Cascading Amber Ale, High Country Gold Lager Ale,
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Re: Mr Beer Blowout Gameplan

Post by mashani »

FWIW, the Chrismas Spiced Belgian works well as the base for a NON spiced Belgian or Biere de Garde. Just use the spices to make mulled cider instead of beer.
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Re: Mr Beer Blowout Gameplan

Post by ssorck »

mashani wrote:FWIW, the Chrismas Spiced Belgian works well as the base for a NON spiced Belgian or Biere de Garde. Just use the spices to make mulled cider instead of beer.
Maybe that's what I'll use my second can for...never even had a Biere de Garde...any decent commercial versions out there you'd recommend?
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