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Northeast Borg sector

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2015 10:34 am
by FedoraDave
There are plenty of us located in the Northeast US, and that corridor is expected to get a massive blizzard today and into tomorrow.

Stay safe, my brother and sisters. Check in on this thread to keep us aware of what's going on with you, because when one person hurts, the whole Borg hurts.

Me, I'm in the Metro NYC area, just above the Jersey border. It's snowing lightly right now (10:30 am), but we're not expected to get really bad weather and massive accumulations until mid-afternoon. Casa Dave-Guy and Fedora Brauhaus are both hunkered down safe and warm, with plenty of provisions, including homebrew.

Re: Northeast Borg sector

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2015 10:38 am
by RickBeer
All of it passed us by, except for the cold (18 with windchill in single digits). Love snow, wish we had received some of it (but not a blizzard).

Re: Northeast Borg sector

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2015 10:40 am
by Beer-lord
I hope everybody is safe and I hope they are wrong about how bad this is.
Check in when you can after it's done to let us know how you all fared.

Re: Northeast Borg sector

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2015 10:44 am
by BlackDuck
Good luck...stay safe and warm!

Re: Northeast Borg sector

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2015 10:47 am
by FedoraDave
Beer-lord wrote:I hope everybody is safe and I hope they are wrong about how bad this is.
Check in when you can after it's done to let us know how you all fared.
Thanks for the good wishes and the hopes that they're wrong, but I'm going by what NOAA's website is telling me, and they're telling me it ain't gonna be good. They're anticipating "historic" stuff. Nice to know that years from now, I'll be able to sit around in my Depends, with my waistband up around my armpits, saying, "This ain't nothin'! I recollect the Blizzard of 2015! It covered entire buildings up to the roofline, and we had to eat our shoes in order to survive!"

Re: Northeast Borg sector

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2015 11:00 am
by ScrewyBrewer
We have about two inches of wind blown snow covering the ground now and the blizzard stuff doesn't start until later tonight into Wednesday. So far the worst thing is that the LHBS is closed already and I may have to wait until Friday to pick up my grain.

Re: Northeast Borg sector

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2015 11:47 am
by myhorselikesbeer
Checking in from NE Central PA....5 inches for now more to come tonight. I just hope the high winds don't make it this far inland as we can easily get 3-4 ft drifts coming across the fields that the ol' IH 340 doesn't like, and neither do I sitting atop her in my carhardts looking like a frozen wookie. :freeze:
Stay safe everyone northeast of us as it looks like you will be getting the brunt.

Re: Northeast Borg sector

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2015 12:25 pm
by RickBeer
ScrewyBrewer wrote: the LHBS is closed already and I may have to wait until Friday to pick up my grain.

Wait, it is true. This is from Governor Christie's Twitter feed:

Because of the closing of Screwy's LHBS, I am declaring a state of emergency for all of NJ.

Re: Northeast Borg sector

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2015 6:24 pm
by Crazy Climber
We're supposed to get about 18". So far, not much, but it only recently started coming down.

The local brewery are troopers. They're normally closed Mondays & Tuesdays, but posted today on their Facebook page:

"As a civic duty to our loyal customers, we WILL BE OPEN TODAY! Roy and Sergio will be filling growlers from 1-6p. Nobody should be stuck in a snowstorm of historical proportions without full growlers!"


Re: Northeast Borg sector

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2015 7:24 pm
by FrozenInTime
Storm totally missed us. Most our snow has melted, making the roads/yard messy. Did I mention it freaking hit 40 degrees today? In ND where we are normally below zero... this weather is absolutely nuts. Sure hope y'all make it through this storm alright, hope it does not get as bad as they are saying.

Re: Northeast Borg sector

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2015 8:55 pm
by John Sand
Well, forecasts are still mixed if you can believe it. We're stocked up and hunkered down. Hopefully I can convince my wife to stay home from work tomorrow.
Meanwhile I put a cathouse in the front yard. Hopefully it will cut down on the noisy nights. I wrapped a five gallon bucket in an insulated bag, and lined it with an old sweatshirt. The ragged orange cat wasn't there, maybe he'll come back. He hardly deserves the kindness after peeing on the steps yesterday. And my cat doesn't like him at all. I hope she doesn't find out that I gave him some of "her" food too. It's just that he sounds so pathetic out there on these cold nights.
Anyway, there's a cathouse in my yard.

Re: Northeast Borg sector

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2015 9:08 pm
by Chuck N
When I was young we would sometimes get two or three blizzards in a year. I can remember at least a couple of them that we got something like three feet of snow. I remember them because it actually caused them to close down the school entirely for a day. Usually it was just the rural kids that took buses into school that got the day off for snow. Back then if the school wasn't open for a certain number of hours it wouldn't get State Funding for the day. So you can see where their priorities were at the time. :(

But all you guys and gals in this ones' path; Stay home, stay safe and stay warm. The rest of us will all be looking forward to hearing from you when it's all done.

Re: Northeast Borg sector

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2015 9:32 pm
by berryman
This one is missing western NY for a change, it's been cold and we aren't getting the lake effect snow now. Was 12 deg this morning and just the usual light snow about a inch or so a day. Sounds bad for the north east coast. Stay safe and take care out there.

Re: Northeast Borg sector

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2015 9:58 pm
by FedoraDave
Yeah, this one's curling around the Jersey coast and back over New England. It's been mostly quiet for most of the afternoon and evening, but I'll have to wait and see what the overnight brings. NOAA is still forecasting over a foot of snow by morning, but I don't know.

Re: Northeast Borg sector

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2015 10:00 pm
by JimH
Stay safe Borg friends! It looks like a doosy so I hope you are all prepared and make it safe!