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Mr Beer Livestream - All About Hops

Posted: Thu May 21, 2015 2:21 pm
by Kealia
Hey guys, I got this email the other day and thought some of you may be interested in listening in. All education is good education, right?

It starts at 5:30PST today if anybody wants to sign up and join. If I'm available, I may check it out - just for kicks.
It's likely geared towards very new brewers, but who knows....

Re: Mr Beer Livestream - All About Hops

Posted: Thu May 21, 2015 4:00 pm
by JohnSant
Was just on the Mr. Beer sight the show starts at 5:30 MST.

Re: Mr Beer Livestream - All About Hops

Posted: Thu May 21, 2015 5:08 pm
by Kealia
Interesting, both the email and landing/registration page say:
"We will be hosting our third Livestream event this Thursday, 5/21/15, at 5:30 PM PST"

Re: Mr Beer Livestream - All About Hops

Posted: Fri May 22, 2015 9:18 am
by TonyKZ1
Yep, it was pretty interesting. I just watched it this morning at work (currently switching internet providers, so no internet at home till mid next week). It was pretty informative, some I already knew from the forums here but still enjoyed watching it.

Re: Mr Beer Livestream - All About Hops

Posted: Fri May 22, 2015 10:26 am
by RickBeer
Yeah, they still seem to have issues with little details, like when things start. Sending an email to your entire file that is totally wrong is a real cluster. Doesn't help when Arizona is on Standard Time while most of the civilized world is on Daylight Savings Time.

A good email / banner would have said:

8:30 ET (not D or S), 7:30 CT and 5:30 PT.

People who live in weird places know how to figure things out.

Re: Mr Beer Livestream - All About Hops

Posted: Fri May 22, 2015 11:33 am
by Kealia
I had it on while I was on the elliptical yesterday so I had something to watch. It was pretty basic but I think that was the right approach for a potentially young (brewing experience) audience. It touched base on a few things like alpha acids, when to add hops and the chart we all used to look at showing what you get at different time additions.

They also brewed their new saison recipe during the show which is a good promo for them and a a good educational way to show new brewers how to do things like add hops in sack. So, I think for it's intended audience they did a pretty good job.

Some of the questions coming through the chat were indicative of new brewers:
How long will hops store?
Can you mix different yeasts with different hops?

Hopefully they are getting good answers from those in the know in the forums over there.