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I Phones

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 8:58 am
by haerbob3
What does the BORG think of these and the networks that support it. We are thinking of change to I-Phone next month. So what are your experiences??? Let us know!!!

Re: I Phones

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 9:02 am
by RickBeer
I don't use fruit...

That said, Android phones offer things iPhones don't:

1) It's not Apple.
2) Most, if not all, allow you to change the battery. iPhones do not.
3) Android is the #1 OS for phones, and will only continue to grow.
4) Lower cost.
5) Multiple tweaks to OS.
6) It's not Apple.

We have the Samsung Galaxy SIII. The SIV is nice also. HTC One is current top phone out there, but HTC has had recent huge drop in market share, while Samsung is surging.

Re: I Phones

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 9:05 am
by Trollby
Not a fan of iPhones.

I have Android for personal phone and iPhone for work (use to have Android for work, but bosses like Apple so we were forced to switch)

The apple is great if you like limitations and like apple to pick what you can do with your device (unless Jail-Break phone).

Before I had Android for work and many app's available to do my job for free. Once changed to apple these apps not available or are pay only. So I don't use them any more

Re: I Phones

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 9:07 am
by Beer-lord
I finally got one and like it but don't think it's any better or worse than others.
I'm on Sprint which is somewhat cheaper but I don't get 4G but don't seem to need it here.

Re: I Phones

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 9:11 am
by gwcr
We have 2 iPhones and 2 Androids in our household. Personally, I am an Android user and don't see myself making the switch to an iPhone. That said, my Android is primarily used for work as a phone (whodathunkit), text machine, and texas holdem time waster. My wife and one of my sons would have the opposite opinion as their's also double as a music box. Functionally, I think you have more options on Android.

Networks are a different story. I have US Cellular, and have never had signal issues anywhere I need to be. Our iPhones have Verizon, and there have been some signal issues from time to time. Really depends on the coverage map for each network in your area.

After all that, YMMV. :D

Re: I Phones

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 9:14 am
by jimjohson
RickBeer wrote:I don't use fruit...

That said, Android phones offer things iPhones don't:

1) It's not Apple.
2) Most, if not all, allow you to change the battery. iPhones do not.
3) Android is the #1 OS for phones, and will only continue to grow.
4) Lower cost.
5) Multiple tweaks to OS.
6) It's not Apple.

We have the Samsung Galaxy SIII. The SIV is nice also. HTC One is current top phone out there, but HTC has had recent huge drop in market share, while Samsung is surging.

i'm gonna go out on a limb here. some how i get the felling you don't like apple. ;)

Re: I Phones

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 9:26 am
by evily
I'm an avid iPhone/Apple user (which may make me unpopular around here :razz:), and have been for over a decade... BUT, with that said, Android is a perfectly fine OS, IF (and that's a BIG IF) you get a good phone. Some of them are utter crap. If you go with Android, just make sure to research and get a high quality device, because if you don't, your OS experience will suck.

It all comes down to personal preference. Get whatever you're most comfortable with and meets YOUR needs. :cool:

Re: I Phones

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 9:50 am
by Foothiller
I can't compare iPhone vs Android since my work provides the iPhone, with ATT service. But the iPhone is an essential tool in my pocket. I have had times on business trips or vacation when wifi was not available or was inconvenient, when I was able to get by for a few days without my laptop.

Re: I Phones

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 10:04 am
by LouieMacGoo
I have always been a Mac computer guy, in fact the Mac in LouieMacGoo comes from that. I have Mac Computers at home and wouldn't have it any other way. I also have an iPad that I love for the convienence factor of not having to boot up the computer to surf the web and check email. I also owned the Apple iPods before I got a "smart" phone.

I have 3 daughter that all have iPhones (4, 4s and 5) and my wife has a iPhone 4s and they all love their phones because it allows them to do what they want to do on it! With that said I have an Android, the Droid DNA! This is my 3rd Android phone and I love it. It is 10 times a better phone then older Androids I had because the OS is so much more mature then it used to be. Also I love having a 5" screen. it makes it that much easier to see. The iPhone only has a 4" screen and it makes a huge difference when your talking phone size and screen real estate. Also like Rick said you can do a lot more on an Android to customize it to fit your needs and work better for you. The iOS from apple you have to buy in both figuratively and litterally into the workflow no matter how it works for you (good or bad). As for battery life all of my girls struggle with getting thru the day with the iPhone, but I don't think this is typical since they tend to be heaver users of it then most normal people. Many or the Android phones (Motorola Moto Xcomes to mind) can get you thru a day plus of normal to moderate use without having to plug in.

Removable battery are becoming a thing of the past on many of the newer Android phones (Moto X, HTC One, Droid DNA) so that might be mute point.

Good Luck

Re: I Phones

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 10:12 am
by FrozenInTime
I cann't imagine trying to read this, or surf/read anything on a dinky screen! I have a hard time on a large screen... LOL. I love my flip-phone. I will never have one of these internet phone thingys regardless of who/what makes them.

Re: I Phones

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 11:50 am
by Bluejaye
I don't mind either the iPhone or one of the thousand Android phones, both can make phone calls. :) But one thing that totally sways me against owning an iPhone is its mandatory usage of iTunes and a half dozen other bloatware programs that has to get installed on my PC in order to use it to its fullest. Just keep that in mind.

Re: I Phones

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 11:59 am
by Trollby
Bluejaye wrote:I don't mind either the iPhone or one of the thousand Android phones, both can make phone calls. :) But one thing that totally sways me against owning an iPhone is its mandatory usage of iTunes and a half dozen other bloatware programs that has to get installed on my PC in order to use it to its fullest. Just keep that in mind.
Amen to that!

In fact at work we could not setup our phones at first since you needed to input a CC to activate iTunes and no one wanted to use their personal CC since the office stated we could not use our work issued CC to activate iTunes.

We got the work around with setting up a "Free" (say limited) apple account on work PC's (IT department had to install iTunes on work PC's) THEN activate using those accounts

Was a pain in the ASS for work environment

Re: I Phones

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 1:23 pm
by mashani
I do enterprise development for both.

FWIW, if your work is developing it's own iPhone apps for internal use, they can be distributed directly from the web to your phone outside of an app store / itunes, *if* your company spends $200/yr to set up an enterprise account / certificate and publishes your internal apps using that certificate and a manifest that you can build to go along with it. Once set up you just click on a link and *poof* your app is on the phone, no need for iTunes on a PC/Mac to get the enterprise apps installed.

From a purely development perspective, I find iThingies easier to deal with when users start to ask for "features" that fall outside of a typical mobile app paradigm (I don't ever want to touch my PC!) which enterprise users tend to always do, at least the ones I deal with. This mainly because iPhones have far less variations to deal with both in OS versions/quirks and form factors it will just get worse. This falls into the "good phone" that was mentioned, there are far too many device specific forks of Android OS, especially on older phones and "outlier" manufacturers - and some old phones just can bite me... if an enterprise wants to provide Android phones they should just go with a high end Galaxy phone and be done with it and not let people use their shitty old phones IMHO.

Re: I Phones

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 1:56 pm
by haerbob3
Thanks for the Gal & Guys. For myself I am pretty sure I will be sticking to the Android platform. We get the best coverage with Verizon here. What I am mainly looking for is a phone with the best camera possible. Something that is easily carried in a pocket. Also the phone would need to have good built in WI-FI adapter. There is no cell connections in the Bakeshop ate work but good WI-FI


Re: I Phones

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 2:15 pm
by RickBeer
haerbob3 wrote:Thanks for the Gal & Guys. For myself I am pretty sure I will be sticking to the Android platform. We get the best coverage with Verizon here. What I am mainly looking for is a phone with the best camera possible. Something that is easily carried in a pocket. Also the phone would need to have good built in WI-FI adapter. There is no cell connections in the Bakeshop ate work but good WI-FI

Samsung Galaxy S3. Love it.