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Looks like no brewing for awhile...

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2015 11:36 pm
by Stinkfist
Hey guys...Seems I have herniated a disc in my neck...C6-C7 pretty good. The numbness and pain in my left arm, shoulder, chest and left leg is no good...

Got a beer all set to be made(My Poor yeast is going to go bad...), but have been pretty much unable to do much for the last few weeks....Went and got a cervical epidural spinal injection on Thursday and it had zero effect on me... I am afraid surgery may be in my near future...

Anyone else have a similar issue have any advice or anything? Really not looking forward to surgery, but continuing as it is does not seem like an option either...


Re: Looks like no brewing for awhile...

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2015 11:41 pm
by The_Professor
Stinkfist wrote:...Seems I have herniated a disc in my neck...C6-C7 pretty good. The numbness and pain in my left arm, shoulder, chest and left leg is no good...
What the heck happened, Stinkfist? That sounds pretty bad!

Re: Looks like no brewing for awhile...

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2015 4:34 am
by Pudge
Here I have been patting myself on the back for getting back to brewing after health issues and here you are doing the flip side of that.

The wife has disk issues in her back and has for years. She was told back then she needs an operation, but refused. The doctor told her she will be back when it hurts enough. She has managed so far.

I say don't just manage through. Get it fixed, Stinky one. Living with pain is no way to live. Shop around though. Don't jump at one doctor's opinion.

You think a chiropractor could do any magic with it?

Re: Looks like no brewing for awhile...

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2015 5:15 am
by RickBeer
PT. In addition to exercises, spinal decompression via a traction table helped me, but doctor and physical therapist had to decide that. Anti inflamatories for weeks. Mine is much lower though. Inoperable.

Edit - do your research, many studies re: surgery show that it's rarely better than not getting it. Could not pay me to have a chiropractor touch it.

Re: Looks like no brewing for awhile...

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2015 6:57 am
by Dawg LB Steve
Had the lowest 2 discs herniate in 2001, bulged into and pinched off my sciatic nerve, muscle spasm so bad showed up on xray, pain all the way down my leg it felt like someone was pounding my big toe with a sledgehammer. It took 4 months going to chiropractor to become straightened out and pain free, KNOCK ON WOOD, my back is still ok. Was told and know people who have had back surgery, if you have one back surgery you will have a minimum of 4 by the time your done. DO seek other opinions and other courses of treatment.

Re: Looks like no brewing for awhile...

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2015 7:15 am
by Beer-lord
I hope it's not as bad as it sounds and you get better much faster.
Is there a local beer club around that can brew the beer for you? You can share it with them if they can.
All the best in getting better fast.

Re: Looks like no brewing for awhile...

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2015 7:40 am
by JohnSant
Had surgery a few years ago on the lower back. After two screws and overnight stay at hosp. went home with a 1 inch incision and took about 4 weeks to recoup. feels a whole lot better now. I wish you well on what ever you decide. :flag:

Re: Looks like no brewing for awhile...

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2015 8:38 am
by MadBrewer
I don't know where those discs are located but a guy I used to work with hurt his neck/back up high that left his shoulder and arm in pain and numbness. He went in and had a small procedure done with a tiny insicion, was back to work in no time. Hopefully that's the case for you. Technology and surgery these days is pretty impressive.

Re: Looks like no brewing for awhile...

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2015 8:51 am
by BlackDuck
Hope all goes well for you!!

Both of my parents and my father in law have been through back surgeries. My parents are doing great, my father in law, well, not so much. The difference in my eyes is the exercises. They were all given exercises and stretches to do daily after the surgery. Both my parents followed it to the letter and are doing great. My father in law has decided he doesn't need to to the exercises and he's miserable. It's his own fault at this point.

So...if you do have surgery and they give you an exercise regiment...follow it.

Re: Looks like no brewing for awhile...

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2015 11:38 am
by Stinkfist
Thanks guys, I have moved my next appt up to tomorrow see what they have to say this time, I am assuming the next step is he will send me to a neurosurgeon too discuss my options..I have been reading a lot about the surgeries and does not seem to be any middle ground, either it worked great after recovery or you are screwed for the rest of your life. The one good thing is it in my neck so those usually do not require you get more surgeries like the lower back since the neck does take as much weight.

I have heard and read that the chiropractor is s terrible idea for a herniated disc, nothing they would do would help and can make it worse.. Just what I have heard though.

My biggest fear is it is not only blocking the nerve to my left arm and shoulder it is also pinching the spinal cord, and I have lost quite a bit of feeling in my left foot and is getting worse...that can cause permanent nerve damage if I wait too long.

Anyways will just have to wait and see it has been getting progressively worse for the past 4 months...started with I thought I was having a heart attack due to the pain and pressure in the chest and the left arm numbness. At least my heart has been ruled out.

Re: Looks like no brewing for awhile...

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2015 12:44 pm
by RickBeer
When I herniated a disk in my lower back years ago, the morning after I did it my entire left leg was numb to the point where I fell on my face getting out of bed. Nerve pressure in the back, nerve wrapping down my leg to my foot. Parts of the leg fine, other parts numb. Back of the foot fine, front numb. I could push down with my toes, but not lift up. Over 3+ months I went to PT, including traction table (i.e. stretching spine so disk pops in). Slowly it started to get better. Back surgeon sent me to a test where they put a wire into the muscles of my leg, and "read" the electrical energy that was there. The tech said "you hurt yourself X weeks ago, and you'll be healed in Y weeks". I laughed, he hit the first number on the head, but it was in my chart. Went to the surgeon who read the report and looked at the MRI. I asked if I'd be able to ever ski again. He said, "yes, in Y weeks". Lo and behold, both hit it on the head.

From time to time I re-injure it. Takes a few weeks (with advil around the clock) to a few months to go away. When I am tired, my leg has some numbness issues. When I don't do exercises, and I'm awful about consistency, I notice more problems.

Don't push for surgery - make sure you get multiple surgical opinions.

Re: Looks like no brewing for awhile...

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2015 6:45 pm
by berryman
Sorry to hear this and wishing for a speedy recovery for you.

Re: Looks like no brewing for awhile...

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2015 7:06 pm
by JimH
Sorry to hear that!

Get well soon. The beer will be there when you get well, but health is priority one. I wish you the best!

Re: Looks like no brewing for awhile...

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2015 9:18 pm
by bpgreen
I hope you recovery quickly and relatively painlessly.

Re: Looks like no brewing for awhile...

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2015 9:41 pm
by mashani
I hope they find a solution for you that works.