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My future way of brewing

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2015 7:08 pm
by Beer-lord
I know I won't be able to brew like I'm brewing now in 10 years......well I might but I'm already old and it's not getting easier.
So, I can see that one day I'll be brewing with something like this: ... =discovery

Pico Brew is cool even though it does take some of the fun out of it but in the future, these will be in homes like microwaves.

Re: My future way of brewing

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2015 7:31 pm
by Whamolagan
Yeah right, another gimick that will sit after 1-2 brews. I am sure the refills will not be cheap. And hey B-L I will come and help you in 10 years if you cant lift 5-6 gallons. Age is in the eyes of the beer holder and at $2000 I think I could figure something out

Re: My future way of brewing

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2015 9:01 pm
by BigPapaG
Beer-lord wrote:
Pico Brew is cool even though it does take some of the fun out of it but in the future, these will be in homes like microwaves.
You know what Paul? I thought the same thing when I read it... It's the microwave for the new millennials!

Here's the problem I have with that though...

Although I know the limitations and benefits of a microwave oven, and how to use them properly...

I see too many people just throwing anything in there as though it's just water, and hitting start, using the highest power level and basically killing whatever they throw in there in the interest of saving time or just not knowing or caring how to properly use the power at their fingertips!

I shudder to think of folks with no knowledge of the brewing art or process just pressing a button to get "beer"... Pedestrian beer, at best.

We had better make a PicoBrew (and other automated methods) section on the Borg now to attempt to save all these upcoming beer souls...


Re: My future way of brewing

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2015 9:15 pm
by Beer-lord
Couldn't agree more Papa.....their loss.
I'm sure by the time I'm ready to give up the hard work, my options will be much, much better.

Re: My future way of brewing

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2015 9:44 pm
by ScrewyBrewer
Geezz I'm thinking that I may not be able to drink as much as I brew 10 years from now.

Re: My future way of brewing

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2015 9:57 pm
by The_Professor
In the future you will make a glass of beer with a 3D printer. It will "print" both the glass and the beer in it.

Any hard core brewers will still have the option of using the 3D printer to print the hops malt and yeast if they really wanna do it all.

Re: My future way of brewing

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2015 10:34 pm
by BigPapaG
The_Professor wrote:In the future you will make a glass of beer with a 3D printer. It will "print" both the glass and the beer in it.

Any hard core brewers will still have the option of using the 3D printer to print the hops malt and yeast if they really wanna do it all.
LOL... But the 3D printed water needs adjustments... It's too hard!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Re: My future way of brewing

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2015 10:45 pm
by The_Professor
BigPapaG wrote:
The_Professor wrote:In the future you will make a glass of beer with a 3D printer. It will "print" both the glass and the beer in it.

Any hard core brewers will still have the option of using the 3D printer to print the hops malt and yeast if they really wanna do it all.
LOL... But the 3D printed water needs adjustments... It's too hard!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Your 3D printer in the future just needs calibration and all will be fine.

Re: My future way of brewing

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2015 11:38 pm
by mashani
Whamolagan wrote:Yeah right, another gimick that will sit after 1-2 brews. I am sure the refills will not be cheap. And hey B-L I will come and help you in 10 years if you cant lift 5-6 gallons. Age is in the eyes of the beer holder and at $2000 I think I could figure something out
That machine is $599, not $2000 like the full blown Zymatic. So that's kind of ok. BUT:

"Each PicoPak will cost between $18-30, depending on ingredients. And each PicoPak brewed will produce about fourteen 12oz beers. This means that each 12oz beer you consume costs you between $1.30-2.15. "

So... I brew 5 gallon batches for that much. So yeah, the refills are not cheap. And it looks like you have to buy them that way, even if you develop your own recipe using their developers kit (which requires a full blown picobrew too).

EDIT: Looks like they might have some kind of designer web site later too, but still you have to go through their system and get all ingredients from them, because there is no way to get the recipe into the device without doing so.

"I tasted two beers beer created by the machine ... and both were a huge step up from any home brew I've ever tried. They tasted like craft beers I would pay money for." -CNET

Um.... you had sucky homebrew dude.

“The coolest thing about the Pico, though, is how you actually brew the beer” –Bloomberg

Um... you just push a button?

Really - for ~$500 price, I might consider getting an automated AG system, but only if I can put whatever I want in it / build my own recipies without going through their marketplace and buying/building ingredient bundles/refills and getting them from that one place. That's kind of BS in my book. IE if it was more like the Zymatic but at that price point. That would be about my sweet spot. But getting my ingredients from whoever/wherever I want, building my own recipes, I will not give that up. Having it do the step mash/boil for me - sure I have no problem with that. I don't think of that as "cheating". Folks with programmable RIMS systems do this (except for throwing in the hops by hand, but ... so what?), and we don't think of it as cheating, just a cool rig.


I actually find this system more interesting, as it doesn't have the issues I have with this pico thing. ... -brewery#/

But it's too expensive.

Re: My future way of brewing

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2015 5:25 am
by Pudge
I'm thinking the future will be some sort of Kuerig K cups for beer. You'll make your craft beer one glass at a time.

Honestly, I'm thinking the future might be a brew partner. You have the hardware and the knowledge while your partner does the heavy lifting and you teach the hobby. Share the beer.

Re: My future way of brewing

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2015 5:41 am
by MadBrewer
These new brewing systems are not targeted for the homebrewer. They are targeted for those that want to produce a craft beer at home. We cant' look at them and compare the system to brewing how you do now, for the cost that you do, with the flexitbility and control that you's not an apples to apples comparaison. There is no comparison it's a totally different system and set up.

I have no interest in one but I'm sure many do. Maybe those that don't have the time, space, or passion for brewing in the sense that WE know it as homebrewers. Maybe others will purchase it just for the novelty, for the simplicity. There's a market for everything and everyone out there. The people buying this aren't worried about the cost of the refill packs or that you can brew x amount more for that money. It's just a different market, mindset and setup.

Re: My future way of brewing

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2015 6:20 am
by Dawg LB Steve
It is $500 now I thought In read somewhere this is some kind of kickstarter price, regular price is supposed to be around $1000. I can see what Paul is talking about actually happening, this gets used 3-4 times and put in the attic or garage and be found in garage sales for $50.

Re: My future way of brewing

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2015 12:32 pm
by mashani
If I found one in a garage sale for $50, I'd buy it and then try to hack the RFID reader to be able to program my own recipe/schedule.

Re: My future way of brewing

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2015 1:09 pm
by RickBeer
Yes, it's $499 and will be selling for $999 when it goes to market. It uses these "bags 'o ingredients" just like a K cup maker, and if you want to make your own it seemed like you have to have them put it in the bag for you.

To me, this is the idiot way of brewing, whereas at least the outrageously priced PicoBrew Zymatic is really brewing beer, you just don't have to use pots and stuff. I expect they haven't sold tons of them due to the $1,999 price, and are discovering service isn't all that fun (shipping units back).

What gets me is that instead of believing in their product and lining up investment money to prove it's value in the marketplace, they put it on KickStarter. 1,375 backers (but the number of units is really 1,254 units due to what else is offered (including refurbished Zymatics...). Sounds impressive until you realize that isn't $250,000 in product sales and is likely barely over $100,000 in costs. They couldn't find $100,000 in business equity or loans to do this?

I don't get people pledging money in November to receive something in April - or later. But that's just me.

Re: My future way of brewing

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2015 2:22 pm
by mashani
If I could get an acutal Zymatic for ~$500, or the device I linked above, I'd do it. But not the coffee maker, unless/until it fully supports zymatic like brewing. Or if I found it in a garage sale, as something to get all geeky with and hack at it.