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Getting tired of choice?

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2016 5:31 am
by FedoraDave ... 9-36684349

It seems silly at first glance, and I'm certainly not a marketing or economics guy, but it does make some sort of sense. Obviously, there's a finite amount of shelf space. There's also the fact that some beers just won't sell as well, and stores don't want to stock anything that's going to collect dust. And yes, sometimes too many choices creates brain-lock. It's an old standard parenting device when dealing with younger children; you want them to learn how to make choices, but saying, "What do you want for lunch" only makes them indecisive. Limiting their choice by saying, "Do you want mac and cheese or a hot dog for lunch" allows them to choose, but makes it easier to make that choice.

Anyway, that's my take.


Re: Getting tired of choice?

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2016 6:36 am
by Beer-lord
He describes pretty much what we've been hearing here as we talk to some of the guys who handle the beer in the small to midsize groceries and beer stores.
With the millennial's liking to have ready-made dinners and other fresh foods, more shelf space is being given to that and they don't have as much space for other things. Not only that it seems like there's a new beer coming out every few weeks.

Re: Getting tired of choice?

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2016 7:37 am
by RickBeer
I rarely buy craft beer in the store. There is a grocery store near us that brags about their selection, and I happen to visit this weekend when my son was in town (he was buying beer, bought the equivalent of 15 beers for $33...

Anyway, this store used to have a beer aisle with one side cooler, one side warm, and displays down the middle of the aisle. Last year they redid the whole store, and now 90% of the beer is in the coolers. It seems to me that the amount of beer they have is now less than they had before. Just my observation.

On the other hand, Meijer has increased their craft beer selection.

Based on everything I read, the next few years will yield a big fallout due to way too many craft breweries with little to distinguish themselves. The fad of putting STUFF in beer will also fade.

Re: Getting tired of choice?

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2016 7:52 am
by BlackDuck
Here are my thoughts on a couple of things as I read the article.

First, the headline: "Craft beer consumers "tired of choice" - Anheuser-Busch InBev CEO Carlos Brito"
My thought: Of course he's going to say that. AB InBev doesn't want consumers to have a choice. The more brands that are available, the more possibility the consumer doesn't "choose" one of their brands.

Another one of his quotes: "There's only so much shelf space that you can share and cold box that you can spilt"
My thought: While this is entirely true, AB InBev will do whatever it takes to make sure they own as much of that real estate as possible. So spreading the message of doom and gloom for the craft market is in his best interest. If he can help spread that message and influence peoples thought that there is just way too much craft beer choice available, maybe they will turn to Budweiser, or interestingly enough, even one of the craft brewers they have recently acquired. All of a sudden choice in craft beer isn't such a bad thing. Just as long as the choice is one of their brands.

Another one of his quotes: "Our customers are thinking, 'how much more of an assortment can you carry?"...."a bit tired of choice and go for fewer brands"
My thought: The majority of his customers probably don't like craft beer to begin with, they drink plain old Budweiser, or Bud Light, or any of the other regular old types of beer they make. So all this choice in craft beer doesn't make sense at all to their customer, they just don't get it. His customers just don't understand all the variety of beer that can be made.

Re: Getting tired of choice?

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2016 12:07 pm
by Kealia
^ What he said^

Re: Getting tired of choice?

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2016 12:39 pm
by RandyG
Hey Gang....My Dos centavos....I agree,too many choices for me.My Grocery Store has a pretty wide variety of beer. And,you can buy it almost anyway up to 144 oz. at a time. They also have six-pack carriers to fill up with singles for like 11 bucks. IF I liked each and every one of those beers,drinking a sixer a day,I'd have to live to be 148 to have tasted all of their beers. So, I'll just continue to home brew my pidley 2 gallon batches of beers I like. BUT,please don't stone me or tie me to the whipping post ,but I'm hooked on Rasberitas. There,I said it. I even tried to brew my own,but it wasn't the same,so until I get tired of them,I guess I'll be forking over my hard earned retirement money to a/b. Sorry! Cheers :redface:

Re: Getting tired of choice?

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2016 4:45 pm
by RickBeer

That's your first demerit.

If you like that schlock, try a Founder's Rubaeus. Had it on nitro at Founders, and I kid you not - it was almost better than sex (yes, I said ALMOST). Awesome.

Re: Getting tired of choice?

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2016 5:19 pm
by bpgreen
Anybody who gets tired of to many beer choices can move to Utah. We don't have that problem here.

Re: Getting tired of choice?

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2016 5:55 pm
by FedoraDave
I understand BlackDuck's points, and they're very well-made.

I also understand RandyG's point of view. I buy craft beer fairly frequently, but when I do, I'm reluctant to take a chance on a brand I'm unfamiliar with. Less so with a style I'm unfamiliar with; you have to start somewhere, and I like variety. But the different brands just have me wondering. Not all Pale Ales are created equal, and I've been disappointed with certain breweries and their products. So I fall back on a brand I already know, whether it's an independent, or one of the ones owned by AB-InBev.

Re: Getting tired of choice?

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2016 8:23 pm
by RandyG
Hey Gang,(he sez dodging bricks and broken bottles). Rick,I didn't have any demerits since Boot Camp.BP, its too dry in Utah. I'll have to tell you all that I like some of Sam Adams brews alot. When I buy craft beer,I sorta gravitate towards those. I'm not a fan of big "In your Face" Hop blasters.I likem Malty. Having said that, I'd trust a Sam Adams brew before drinking Joe Blow's Tripple IPA,brewed with hops grown in the Amazon jungle,and with the best yeast from Southern Bulgaria,blah blah etc.We've all seen the myriad of different styles,tastes that are available now. I like simplicity in my brews. for my consumption of the dreaded A-ritas,it's like the 4 Tops sang."I Can't Help Myself". Cheers All ! :lol:

Re: Getting tired of choice?

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2016 9:08 pm
by jimjohson
Great discussion, many good points made. Randy, like I tell my customers " In the end there is no right or wrong. There is only beer, and what you like." I'm right there with you on the hop bombs. I'm kind of with the Hat it's hard to throw money at a maybe. That's not to say that if I saw, say a bottle of Pliny (either of them) I wouldn't jump at the chance. However too many disappointments have led me to caution, as they say: Better the devil you know.

Re: Getting tired of choice?

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2016 9:47 am
by Pudge
I'm leery of any info or opinions from Anheuser-Busch InBev, but viewtopic.php?f=7&t=6046