Yes BrewDemon and Mr. Beer kits are pretty darn easy but sometime you need a little help from the Borg to get you on the right track. Post your questions here!
Beer-lord wrote:Will the bald spot on the top of my head ever go away?
Why is summer so hot?
Do these shoes make my ass look big?
I feel better now.
Seriously, I think this forum has reared it's head at the perfect time. I can already see it's just as friendly as Mr. Beer's forum. I hope we can still share our brew days, questions, and just silliness here too.
To answer your questions in the order asked:
1. No
2. Because everyone is using their BBQs
3. Yes
Glad you came over Beer-lord! I always enjoyed your comments and expertise on the other site, and as we build membership someone of your caliber can go a long way!
That was his ass? Thought Mars was crashing
im Leben Geduld ist eine Tugend
in Brau-es ist eine Anforderung
in life patience is a virtue
in brewing it is a requirement
You are stronger than you think you are!!!!
~~Andy Wesley 1973 -- 2013
Ok, I think I know the answer, but I guess if I never get anyone to confirm it, do I really know? Anyway, what is the temperature in this picture? 64-ish???
I want to know, what is out there, beyond the known universe? Does it go on forever black/empty, other universes with other life? Is there and end to space, or is it infinity? Is our universe just the inside of a dust speck floating around on some bigger creatures back on a bigger world?
Or should I just drink some more peppermint schnopps and go pass out?
I want to know, what is out there, beyond the known universe? Does it go on forever black/empty, other universes with other life? Is there and end to space, or is it infinity? Is our universe just the inside of a dust speck floating around on some bigger creatures back on a bigger world?
Or should I just drink some more peppermint schnopps and go pass out?
I want to know, what is out there, beyond the known universe? Does it go on forever black/empty, other universes with other life? Is there and end to space, or is it infinity? Is our universe just the inside of a dust speck floating around on some bigger creatures back on a bigger world?
Or should I just drink some more peppermint schnopps and go pass out?
I want to know, what is out there, beyond the known universe? Does it go on forever black/empty, other universes with other life? Is there and end to space, or is it infinity? Is our universe just the inside of a dust speck floating around on some bigger creatures back on a bigger world?
Or should I just drink some more peppermint schnopps and go pass out?
"Filled with mingled cream and amber
I will drain that glass again.
Such hilarious visions clamber
Through the chambers of my brain
-- Quaintest thoughts -- Queerest fancies
Come to life and fade away;
Who cares how time advances?
I am drinking ale today."